Everyone has different learning styles, meaning, different ways of learning information, and many people have trouble retaining information once they’ve learned it. With my L3 Method, I show you how to retain information in a more effective way. Whether you want to know how to study more effectively, how to improve your memory or how to focus, the L3 Method can help. This method provides ways to improve your memory of what you just learned and helps it “stick” with you. Watch this short video to learn the L3 Method for retaining new information better!
How to Retain Information in 3 Easy Steps Using the L3 Method:
L- Learn it. The very first step is to learn everything you can about the subject matter. Don’t leave anything out. Take it all in.
L- Live it. The second step is to apply the new information right away. The faster you implement what you learn, the more likely it will “stick”.
L- Lend it. The third step is to teach someone else what you’ve just learned. Anytime you can share new information with other people, it helps you retain it even more.
Next time you learn new information, remember to learn it, live it and lend it.
Knowledge has no power, however, APPLIED knowledge does.
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Betsy Allen-Manning
Leadership Speaker | Best Selling Author | DISC Human Behavior Expert
Now, if it’s procrastination that’s holding your education time captive, I have a free gift for you. It’s called the
Leadership Productivity Formula
, where I give you 10 ways to beat procrastination and start getting stuff done. I also include a short, procrastination test for you, so you can see how much of a procrastinator you actually are. If you want this, don’t procrastinate on it…go get your free copy now!
2. If you received value from this then LEND it to someone who can benefit from it as well!
3. If you’re looking for more advanced training or are looking for a keynote speaker for your next event, contact Betsy and let’s talk about how we can work together to make your event a success.
You’ve learned it, now go live it and make it a great day because you deserve it!