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Most Requested Change Management Presentation!

Great Leaders Pivot Not Panic:

6 Keys To Lead Through Change, Adapt Quickly & Innovate For Future Success


Live Presentation | Virtual Keynote Speaker | Live Streaming | Webinar | Pre-Recorded | Half Day or Full Day Workshop

With change comes many challenges. People start operating out of fear which leads to a loss of focus, productivity, engagement, and profits. Leaders need to be equipped with the #1 skill required to help their teams navigate through changes effectively…the ability to ‘pivot’. In this presentation, one of the top leadership motivational speakers, Betsy Allen-Manning, shares her research, as well as experience of managing change for multi-billion dollar corporations, to help you communicate change effectively, foster a culture of innovation and collaboration, tackle new business challenges, and lower change resistance, change fatigue, and burnout that comes with change.

“The strategies Betsy gave will be very instrumental in leading our team through these times of constant change. Lot's of great tools & a very rewarding presentation!" -Terry

Actionable Takeaways

  • Learn Betsy’s ‘Communicate Change Technique’ for conveying new changes, addressing fears, and setting behavioral and performance expectations.

  • Discover the ‘6 Keys of Leading Through Change’, and utilize strategies to prep your team for success in the new normal.

  • Get innovation & collaboration strategies to help your team succeed with customer, individual & business challenges.

  • Avoid the common mistakes that cause low morale, less productivity, burnout & turnover that comes with change.

  • Rapidly improve communication, performance & culture through times of change.

  • Develop the 3 mindset strategies Change Agents use to accept, adapt, pivot & conquer the challenges you’re facing.

(Add a breakout session to compliment this keynote & add more impact from one of the top change management speakers in Dallas!)

Pre-order a copy of Betsy’s upcoming book, Great Leaders Pivot, Not Panic, for each of your attendees, and get a bulk discount!

Betsy Allen-Manning book Great Leaders Pivot Not Panic
Order Copies for Attendees

Betsy Is One of the Top Change Management Speakers, Who Delivers High Energy, Tons of Engagement & Relevant Content With Actionable Takeaways to Boot!

Book Betsy, One Of The Top Change Management Speakers In Dallas, as an Opening or Closing Keynote Speaker for One of Your Live or Virtual Conferences! 

Book Betsy Now!
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