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Most Requested Faith-Based Presentation!

Equipped For The Call:

5 Keys To Discover & Fulfill Your God-Given Purpose


Live Presentation | Virtual Keynote Speaker | Live Streaming | Webinar | Pre-Recorded | Half Day or Full Day Workshop

If you really want to make a difference in the world, then you need to first discover what God’s purpose is for your life. This isn’t a self-given purpose, it’s a God-given purpose; meaning, God’s calling on your life is so big that it’s going to take his hand on it in order to achieve it. Ephesians 4:1- Therefore, I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. He’s not calling you to make a dent in his Kingdom… he’s calling you to make an IMPACT. You may not know exactly what your God-given purpose is just yet, but Betsy Allen-Manning, one of the top Christian motivational speakers in Dallas, provides insight into discovering the 5 ways to unleash it and then fulfill it in your life. The only question you need to answer now is…. are you ready to do whatever it takes to step up to your calling and make an IMPACT for his kingdom?

“I didn't think at my age I still had a purpose in life, but after Betsy's presentation I feel like God still wants to use me to make a difference. Gave me a zest for life again!" -Kerry

(Add a breakout session to compliment this keynote & add more impact from one of the best christian motivational speakers in Dallas!

Actionable Takeaways:

  • Pray it. Discover your strengths, blind spots & God-Given Purpose through self-assessment & prayer.

  • Say it. The bible says that you are God’s masterpiece and he has blessed you with special gifts & talents. Uncover your gifts and learn how to use them for Kingdom Purpose.

  • Obey it. When God asked Noah to build the ark, can you imagine if he would’ve said, “I’ll get it to it next year?” When God calls, be ready to take action by developing success habits & managing your time effectively.

  • Slay it. Every new level presents a new devil. Be prepared for the obstacles the enemy will throw at you to stop you from reaching your goals, and develop a strong community of people who support your dreams.

  • Display it. Learn how to stand out with your character, talents & actions and become a strong representative for Christ’s kingdom.

Pre-order a copy of Betsy’s book, Equipped For The Call, for each of your attendees, and get a bulk discount!

Betsy Allen-Manning book Win with People
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Betsy Is One of the Top Christian Motivational Speakers In Dallas & Personality Styles, & Delivers High Energy, Tons of Engagement & Relevant Content With Actionable Takeaways to Boot!

Book Betsy as an Opening or Closing Keynote Speaker for One of Your Live or Virtual Conferences! 

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