Have you ever wondered why some employees seem driven to accomplish goals and others don’t seem motivated at all? Do you often feel like you’re pulling teeth just to get team members onboard with changes you want to make? If you said yes to any of those questions, you’re not alone. Research shows that 85% of employee motivation will decline within 6 months of starting their job . “Shouldn’t their paycheck be motivation enough?”, is a phrase I hear often from managers. The answer to that question is a flat out NO! If all people work for is money, then you get what I call, “Paycheck Employees.” They will barely do what their paycheck requires and studies have shown that a paycheck is not enough to keep employee motivation up.
A lack of motivation in the workplace can be more detrimental then you think. Besides resulting in miscommunication and a rise in conflict, unmotivated employees are costing businesses over $300 billion dollars a year in productivity loss . Motivated employees, on the other hand, prove to be more productive, engaged, committed and display a more positive attitude in the workplace.
Which type of employee do you want on your team? If you’re ready to raise the motivation levels of your employees, you will need to know each of your team members primary motivation . Watch this short video to get an idea of what a primary motivation is:
Allow me to take you on a journey of the primary motivations for the 4 personality styles using the DISC model of human behavior:
D = Driver. This fast-paced individual is motivated by challenges & getting results quickly.
I = Inspirer. This fun-loving personality style is motivated by high levels of engagement with co-workers & getting recognition more often.
S = Supporter. This kind individual is motivated by feeling secure and safe in the workplace & being genuinely appreciated for their hard work.
C = Calculator. This cautious personality style is motivated by displaying excellence in their work & being correct.
Your weekly challenge:
Write down your employee’s names and which of the 4 personality styles describes them best. Then list the different ways you could motivate them using the tips above. For instance, to motivate the inspirer you may want to give your team a challenge and have them work together to complete it. This satisfies their need for interaction and elevates their motivation in the workplace.
Understanding your team’s motivation styles takes the guesswork out of how to get them to perform better. If you want to learn more about how to communicate, connect & influence the different personality styles click here .
Motivation is not one size fits all.
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Betsy Allen-Manning
Leadership Speaker | Best Selling Author | DISC Human Behavior Expert
Now, if it’s procrastination that’s holding your team captive, I have a free gift for you! It’s called the
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You’ve learned it, now go live it and make it a great day because you deserve it!